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Elevate your team's performance and drive business success with our comprehensive training solutions.

Courses Offered

Excellence in Communication: Getting There Faster

This dynamic training program is designed for individuals and teams that complete the DISC and Motivators assessments. Participants will learn how to leverage their unique communication styles to improve collaboration, build stronger relationships, and achieve better results. By gaining a deeper understanding of their own motivations and those of others, teams will be able to communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts, and navigate challenging situations with greater ease.

The program is tailored to the specific needs and goals of each client, ensuring that you will receive practical strategies and tools that can immediately be applied. See the difference that effective communication can make in your organization's performance and overall success. 

Reset the Clock: Practical Employee Relations for Leaders

From conflict resolution and performance management to policy development and compliance assistance, this program provides every level of an employer's leadership team with practical, hands-on support to help you effectively manage employee relations issues and minimize risks.

With a focus on proactive communication and fair treatment, "Reset the Clock" aims to promote employee engagement, mitigate disputes, and enhance organizational culture. Whether you're dealing with day-to-day employee concerns or tackling more complex issues, this practical approach ensures that you have the support and resources you need to maintain healthy employee relations and drive business success.

Filling the Practicality Void: Leadership Training You Can Apply Tomorrow

Lunt Consulting defines and teaches on the four constructs of Leadership, Followership, Management, and Supervision differently - they are unique and must be individually mastered.  It starts with supervision, which grows into management, followed by the art and science of leadership and followership. 

Supervision ensures adherence to policies, procedures, and job standards, holding personnel accountable for conduct, performance, and attendance. Failure in these areas leads to employee relations issues, potential EEOC claims, turnover, and other problems. Quality supervisors recognize and reward employees who perform above standards, exhibit excellent conduct, and have above average attendance, and they provide early feedback and frequent guidance to course correct effectively. Supervisors should also be one of the first to address outdated or overly restrictive policies, procedures, and standards.

Management coordinates resources (human, physical, tools, training, etc.) to optimize workflow efficiency and effectiveness. Managers ensure personnel deployment, internal service delivery alignment, and consistent direction across units. They foster teamwork, consistency, and alignment with organizational goals, ensuring all units work towards mission accomplishment.

Leadership is both an art and science with two distinguishing components.  First, Leadership involves influencing members to engage fully their efforts to accomplish the organization's mission.  Second, Leadership is a gift given by willing followers that unleashes 100% of their potential.  Supervision and Management are control measures - they are necessary and absolutely required.  Leadership is like respect: it's earned from willing followers. 

The control measures of Supervision and Management might get 70% of a person's potential, but when that person chooses to be an exemplary follower, incredible results always follow because of complete engagement.  Lunt Consulting has years of demonstrated success in mastering the successful combination of Supervision, Management, and Leadership both in their own roles, and in the roles of other formal leaders to whom they have coached. 

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based, early-intervention program that educates participants on how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance use issues. 

  • On average, 130 people die by suicide every day.  
  • From 1999-2019, 841,000 people died from drug overdoses.
  • Nearly 1 in 5 in the United States lives with a mental illness.  

This training covers:
  • Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges. 
  • Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges. 
  • How to interact with a person in crisis. 
  • How to connect a person with help. 
  • Expanded content on trauma, substance use and self-care.

Harassment and Discrimination

This training program addresses critical workplace issues to foster a safe and inclusive environment for all employees. Participants will learn about the laws and policies surrounding harassment and discrimination, understand different forms of inappropriate behavior, and explore strategies for prevention and intervention. Through interactive discussions and case studies, employees will gain the knowledge and skills needed to recognize, address, and report instances of harassment and discrimination. By promoting awareness and accountability, this training aims to uphold company values and ensure a respectful workplace culture for everyone.

Reasonable Suspicion

At Lunt Consulting, we recognize the critical importance of maintaining a safe and productive workplace environment. Our reasonable suspicion training equips supervisors with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify signs of drug and alcohol use among employees, enabling early intervention and prevention of potential safety hazards and performance issues. Backed by expert-led sessions and real-world case studies, our comprehensive training empowers supervisors to navigate sensitive situations with confidence, ensuring fair and consistent application of policies while upholding employee well-being. Invest in proactive risk mitigation, legal compliance, and a culture of safety with our reasonable suspicion training.