
Lunt Consulting LLC specializes in comprehensive services tailored to enhance organizational efficacy and deliver results you're proud of.  From optimizing structures and processes to expertly navigating recruitment, selection, and promotional processes, our team ensures strategic people engagement - your greatest asset!  We also provide targeted training solutions and conduct thorough investigations empowering your organization with the tools to strive for excellence, grow trust, and realize your vision. 

Organizational Optimization

Unleash the talent of your employees and deliver service excellence to your stakeholders by optimizing your organization.

Coaching & Training

One of the biggest challenges facing organizations across the globe is the absence of quality direction and guidance from the person or people assigned the formal roles of leading, managing, and supervising. 

Job Search, Selection, and Promotional Processes

Hiring and promotional decisions impact organizations for years.  Safeguard your future by using research-backed, patented tools!


High quality investigations are essential for maintaining integrity, mitigating legal issues, and promoting a positive culture.