Coaching & Training

One of the biggest challenges facing organizations across the globe is the absence of quality direction and guidance from the person or people assigned the formal roles of leading, managing, and supervising. 
Lunt Consulting defines and teaches on the four constructs of Leadership, Followership, Management, and Supervision differently - they are unique and must be individually mastered.  It starts with supervision, which grows into management, followed by the art and science of leadership and followership. 


Concisely, supervision involves ensuring that work is done correctly, according to policy, procedure, and job standards.  Personnel can be held to account for their conduct, performance, and attendance - stepping outside of those three areas invites employee relations problems, potential EEOC claims, preventable turnover, and a host of other issues.  Quality supervisors reward personnel who perform above standards, exhibit excellent conduct, and have above average attendance.  By being attentive, good supervisors course correct early and work with their members frequently.  Supervisors should also be one of the first to mention when policy, procedure, or job standards are inappropriate/outdated, excessively restrictive, or overly broad as they are the closest to the work being done and have direct, continuous interaction with personnel on the front lines. 


At Lunt Consulting, we see Management as the role played by coordinating resources (human, physical, tools, training, etc.) that builds upon supervision.  Managers are responsible for the efficiency and effectiveness of workflow, how personnel are deployed, and ensuring that different units of personnel are coordinated and deliver the necessary internal service to each other consistent with organizational goals.  Managers must facilitate teamwork within and across groups, ensure consistency across working units and that different supervisors are directing their personnel similarly and in unison with the organization's mission.  Managers must ensure that everyone and every unit within their sphere of influence are working toward the accomplishment of the organization's mission. 


Leadership is both an art and science with two distinguishing components.  First, Leadership involves influencing members to engage fully their efforts to accomplish the organization's mission.  Second, Leadership is a gift given by willing followers that unleashes 100% of their potential.  Supervision and Management are control measures - they are necessary and absolutely required.  Leadership is like respect: it's earned from willing followers. 


The control measures of Supervision and Management might get 70% of a person's potential, but when that person chooses to be an exemplary follower - which only they can choose and cannot be forced - incredible results always follow because of complete engagement.  Lunt Consulting has years of demonstrated success in mastering the successful combination of Supervision, Management, and Leadership both in their own roles, and in the roles of other formal leaders to whom they have coached. 

Our training on these topics is available in four-, eight-, and sixteen-hour blocks of instruction and is customizable to your organization.  You and your focal leaders as well as all members of your organization will benefit from this training by reducing the likelihood you will have to defend an EEOC harassment, discrimination, or hostile work environment claim (they cost on average $125,000), reduced losses from leave usage and avoidable turnover (which costs about one-third of the salary for every lost employee), and the elimination or significant reduction of incivility in your organization (costing on average $14,000/year/employee).  Elevating your organization into the top 25% of employee engagement levels produces 23% higher profitability, 14% greater production, and 10% higher customer loyalty according to Gallup research.